When I started this blog, I planned to write at least one blog post every week, however, I’m happy to inform you that I have successfully skipped one week and I would have skipped this week too if I didn’t hear my mother’s voice ringing somewhere in my head to constantly follow things through even when they get hard.
And that’s the thing about consistency, everyone talks about how important it is to be consistent to be successful but no one talks about how easy it is to fall off your consistent routine and then stop completely, see, all it takes is skipping one day off your meal plans, or exercise routine and the next thing you know, it’s 6 months later and you’re still trying to want to achieve your dream weight goal.
And so what happens when you fall off your consistent routine, first there’s guilt about falling off and then comes the complacency, and when that happens, you’ve accepted your failures and have gotten comfortable with them and then you fall off completely.
Everyone talks about consistency, but the hardest thing about consistency is being consistent and being kind enough to one’s self to know that falling off a consistent routine can happen. So what happens when you fall off the Consistency ladder you ask me? The answer is to go back to the ladder, either way, it might be hard, but going back and climbing till one is comfortable with the climb is way better than falling off and staying down.
And so here’s me promising myself to be kinder to myself, and finding my way back to the ladder of consistency even when I fall off - especially when I fall off.
So where do we go from here? The plan remains to write at least one blogpost weekly so that I have some 50 something blog posts at the end year. Can I do it? I sincerely do not know. Will I try my best to even when it gets hard? YES. Because at the end of the day, all I can do is try and know that the hard things do get easier with every trial.
If you are reading this, you’re my hero and I do love you, meanwhile, I am trying to switch things up and I need a new name for my publications, please leave a comment with suggestions, your review of this blog post as well as other things you’d want me to write about.
Good advice on consistency. When you say you want to “switch things up”, how exactly do you mean? I think we’d have a better chance of giving meaningful answers and suggestions to the questions at the end of the article if given more context.
Good luck 🤝